It is just at the point where my room that I store my gear in is too small. How do you guys store and keep your gear and don't just say in my closet, there has to be some organization to how ammo, camping, guns and general gear is kept. Here is a brief overview of how my gear is packed.
Right now I am planning for a mobile operation, this area is too congested to set up and hunker down. I would be too worried about having to defend against looters. Plus this house is not setup for long term self sustainability and defense.
I store my ammo mainly in regular military ammo cans and wood crates. They are all seperated by caliber and gauge and labeled on the outside with its contents. I keep some mags loaded and put away in vests for a grab and go. Guns are together in locked locker to be loaded into Jeep.
As for camping and general gear. The most important gear is stored in my BOB. I could get by with just that bag if necessary for a couple weeks. Also have things in garage such as gas cans and tents.
This is by no means perfect but when I have to grab and go I only have to make a few trips to the Jeep rather than run around looking for my chest rig or a flashlight. I am going to try and come up with some better packing methods, how do you guys keep your gear?
The next house I will try and setup for long term self reliance but until then I will prep for getting to a better area safely.