I used these in my Mossy 500 8 shot which made it s ten shot
. That was fun. They worked flawlessly in my 500 no failures of any kind. Fed, fired and ejected great. Still had plenty of kick. I would say more than the reduced recoil Law Enforcement buckshot I have fired in the past. These shells are longer than the aquila mini shells and that was all that they needed to be reliable was just a little more OAL.
I believe the aquila mini shells are 1.5 inch. Obviously that 2" size made all the difference in the world. Out of both shotty's with cylinder bore I kept all six pellets in the kill zone on an average size torso. A few yards past that and the patterns were opening up immensely.
I think these have a practical purpose for pistol gripped guns, since you won't feel as much recoil. There is no doubt these shells pack plenty of punch to take any home intruder down. The bonus of a few extra rounds helps..
They did not run good in my old Stevens 520
but that could be for many reasons. I am having the 520 looked at by a buddy and see why the auto-trigger didn't want to work. It sounds like it is firing when you pump it but the shells were not going off.
So if you own a newer mossy 500 these 2" shells should work for you. Just keep it under 25 yards unless you have a modified choke then you will see better results at ranges past 25 yds.